Past the Skyline, On to the Big Blue Yonder

May 15, 2020

Past the Skyline, On to the Big Blue Yonder

Today is my last day working at Skyline Technologies. In the past six-and-a-half years I have built amazing relationships, learned valuable new skills, and moved ahead in my career further than I could have imagined. However, there are times when you have to make a crazy leap — and this is one of those times.

On Tuesday, May 26th, I will be starting the next phase in my career as a Senior Customer Engineer at Microsoft. I will be part of the FastTrack for Azure group, and am excited to have an array of opportunity in front of me.

While I am sad to leave so many amazing people and relationships at Skyline, I know that I will continue to stay in contact with them. And, of course, I'm excited to head off to the Big Blue yonder.